
As the Bridge continues to adapt to the changing needs of its community, the project continues to grow. Each year our expenses meet our income - more funding simply means more families reached. A significant amount of our budget goes towards the salaries of our skilled Cambodian staff, so they may continue in their valuable service to these families.

The Bridge of Hope is a non-profit organization, and we receive no government funding; we operate entirely on the generosity of donors. We are currently receiving donations from seven different nations, and we work hard to ensure that the charitable requirements of each nation are satisfied.

As an NGO registered with the Cambodian government, operating under the auspices of Light of Life Organization, tax-deductible receipts are available for those nations offering such benefits.

We value transparency and are happy to provide our financial statement to those wondering where their money will be going. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us at the address provided on the left.

Scroll down for some ideas of what you can donate towards!

Urgent Needs;

We don't have any urgent needs at the moment. Check back soon again!

If you desire to support our project, please let us know. We will contact and guide you to be part of our work.